
Featuring Timeless Material!

New You Thank You YHWH!

A New Year A New You In A New Way With YHWH Guiding The Way With What I Call The Daniel Diet Of The Old Testament — A New Year A New You In A New Way With YHWH Guiding The Way With Organic Natural Foods! ⭐️🌟🌈😊   Have a beautiful day today ❤️ I will share a critical thought about my health journey.  I lost almost 60 pounds largely because I had a hidden grudge about missing out on toxic sugary food.  My youngest you helped some lose sugar ideals first then me.  I failed miserably until now.  This healthy rebound comes at a high price after decades of trial and error and the biggest difference now is I’m vowing out sugar because it is deadly.  This happened first, sugar eliminated.   As a result of outting sugar after a few weeks my craving for it diminished almost completely yet I get sugar to my happy self from carbs in fruit and vegetables and grains.  Simultaneously and thank YHWH even more—my cravings for carbs through the day has ended. ...

The Dance of Nature